Wednesday, August 20, 2014

ISIS Needs to Be Dealth With Now. . . And Syria

What is ISIS?
            ISIS is an extremist militant group that is basically running rampant throughout the Middle East, but primarily throughout Iraq and they have been seen in Syria. They are so radical, that they actually split from the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, who was responsible for 9/11. Now, ideology wise I am not to sure, I just know they are pretty crazy and you do not want to take this new group lightly.

            Many of you know them recently because they beheaded an American Journalist and then published it online. I know everyone’s immediate reaction is War, lets go and break these guys down. I agree to an extent, but we are already bombing them like crazy and they care still succeeding.

            Here is the scary part, these aren’t just guys off the street, the leader has a PhD in Islamic Religion. The guy who beheaded the American Journalist had a British accent and they located him to be from London. WTF!? Now, granted, they have Middle East background, but these are people that are born and raised in the West. After they get training, they go back to these Western Countries, which is even scarier. So these radical militants are coming from America, Britain and Germany and they get trained by radical militants and come back. These people do not represent Islam, this is not a Muslim thing and it should not be held against the majority of Muslims, just like every society, there are radicals. But, for some reason these guys are a little bit scarier. They are even getting people from Indonesia, which you wouldn’t think is Middle East, but they are seen as a peaceful Muslim state. Now they are joining in.

            Obama should not take this threat lightly. Iraq is not a key state in the Middle East, it is close to Iran but it isn’t too much important. Iraq is not working hard enough to create a political situation to which the ISIS could rise. But, the ISIS has been found fighting in Syria, and if there ever happened to be a power vacuum in Syria and a ISIS member got ahold, they might make Bashar Al’Asaad look like a friend of the West. But, if Obama does commit to Iraq, which I think he should, if he does, he should also commit to Syria because FYI, the journalist was beheaded in Syria. Both present huge problems to the west and peaceful balance to the world. If people are willing to die willingly for this cause, and they have a negative attitude toward us, then why not get involved now instead of when something irrevocable happens.

            Think about this, they are pulling many people from all over the world and sending them back. Boston Marathon is a key example of what could happen if the ISIS sends trained fighters back into the world. I mean they already beheaded a guy on camera for the whole world, I do not think these guys are messing around. I think someone should step in and step in now and not just America, but all countries fighting the War on Terror, including Middle Eastern countries.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Be Afraid, Be Very, Very Afraid-Ebola Fever

   So, I am guessing the past 1-2 months you might of heard of a fatal disease kind of spreading in Western Africa. Well, that is a truthful statement but it also kind of a lie, because Ebola has been spreading in Western Africa for around 5-6 months now. It took 2 American Doctors and one American doctor to die before Western Media picked up on this fatal disease.
  The Definition of Ebola Fever...
"an infectious and generally fatal disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body fluids by a filovirus (Ebola virus), whose normal host species is unknown."

That definition of Ebola just kind of scares me thinking about it. Usually to make up a vaccine for something, it helps to know the host or atleast how or where it comes from. Well for this it is 10x scary because they just do not know and it is spreading throughout Western Africa. I know, some people are saying there are tons of onfectious diseases in Africa, why should we care. Well, you should care all the time, however, this one is not curable and the possibility of it spreading and being a contagion is pretty good. So far there has been no travel restricitons, but we could very well see that soon because the disease is deadly and if it becomes a contagion, it will be a huge mess for the whole world. It is happening in rural areas of Africa, but, it could spread to Nigeria and that would be a problem.

With everything going on now in Nigeria, with kidnappings, the terrorist groups and large metropolitcan areas, the odds of spread to other countries outside of Africa is likely. The worst part about it is they have not even started testing yet for a vaccine. Right now, for treatment, they are in ICU with fluids and medicine. But, not everyone in Africa has that luxury, right now the 2 America doctors are in Atlanta heavily quartined and being watched 24/7. They said it could take til 2016 to have a solid vaccination if everything goes great, IF.

It is definitely a scary situation that could spread like wildfire, and without a vaccine or treatment, people are just dying. They may not even know that they have it. The movie contagion is a perfect example of what could happen. I am not saying it will happen, it is unlikely with technology, but this does pose an international threat. It is something that America is taking for granted. Everyone in the world in the science field, should be working on a vaccine. But, right now it just seems like we are praying for some "magic bullets". That isn't how everything works. If this disease makes it into NIgeria, it will quickly become an international crisis. Right now, Nigeria has no healthcare because doctors are on strike, it is like the perfect storm of contagions. More than 70% of the populations of Sierrea Leon, Guinea and Liberia (Foreign Policy)

So educate yourself and wake up
Thats TJ for ya...