Umm, no, not really Obama. I agree with a lot of things Obama is dealing with, but his comments on Africa I really do not agree with. I guess he forgot about the Berlin Conference, which carved up Africa in a big way. They controlled there economy and government for many, many years.
First, the colonization of Africa. The Berlin Conference was in the latter half of the 20th century. It was a conference held in Berlin and only the major European powers were invited to this conference. No African leader was invited to this conference. So basically, Otto Von Bismark carved up places in Africa for England, Netherlands, Portugal and France. So, how can all of Europe just get together and carve up territory that isn't even theirs. So again, it is Africa's fault isn't it.
Also, second, I think the slave trade really influenced the economy and local leaders of Africa. The leaders of Africa on the western coast would basically just take advantage of their political system and trade the majority of their population. They would go into the mainland and capture people for the slave trade. But, it was mainly the demand of the Europeans in the slave trade that really harmed the makeup of the political system. It almost made it impossible to have a political makeup at the time. It would lead to many years of corruption.
Yes, their are many problems for Africa and not all of them are because of Europeans, but colonization and western influences has certainly added to the problems. For Obama to say this, it really is not that big of a deal, but it is also a bit out there. Not everything is Africa's fault, think about the case in South Africa, that problem lasted for many many years and it was because of the Dutch. The problems there are definitely because of the Dutch and it is that way with most of Africa. It is a bit for Obama to say this, Africa has a long road ahead of them in economic recovery and doesn't need sympathy or people pointing the finger. Africa will play a key part in the future of the global political economy.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Abe Lincoln Is A Smart Guy
This may be one of those presidents who was just ahead of his time. He couldn't of been in a better spot to show that genius. How many presidents at the time would of gone through with abolishing slavery. They would of been cutting off the money south, but, instead he pursued what was right. I would say that was an ahead of his time decision. But, this post isn't just about Lincoln abolishing slavery, it is about him being a genius. He is not my favorite president but he is probably one of the most influential presidents ever.
It is this quote that really catches my eye, it was the quote about a house divided cannot stand. At the time, he was talking about a nation and how a nation split could show weakness. But, I think it can also be about bipartisanship. Right now, speaker John Boehner is suing Obama with the hopes of impeaching him. The past 30-40 years and probably even longer, Democrats and Republicans never work together for what is best for the country. Yes, both have agendas and appeal to certain people, they are going after a vote, but that doesn't really work out. Yes, things get done, but Obamacare just came out and by the time the next Republican president gets in, it will just get pushed aside. So what good does it really do to have parties, I mean nothing ever gets done that benefits the country.
But, this isn't about this, this is about Lincoln being ahead of his time. I feel like he knew there would be a time when good leadership could really solidify the country. I think both parties working together is a pipe dream, having an opinion and a party is what money is made of. But, think about how stupid it is. Some of our best leaders fight against each other, instead of fighting for us. It does not make sense to me. I believe parties should work together, but does it go against what this country was built upon. Our country is built on checks and balances, competition, and everyone gets a say. So not having parties may defy the U.S. foundation, but I believe working together is key to a better United States. Our best leaders should be fighting for us and standing together. Abe Lincoln knew that, he was ahead of his time.
It is this quote that really catches my eye, it was the quote about a house divided cannot stand. At the time, he was talking about a nation and how a nation split could show weakness. But, I think it can also be about bipartisanship. Right now, speaker John Boehner is suing Obama with the hopes of impeaching him. The past 30-40 years and probably even longer, Democrats and Republicans never work together for what is best for the country. Yes, both have agendas and appeal to certain people, they are going after a vote, but that doesn't really work out. Yes, things get done, but Obamacare just came out and by the time the next Republican president gets in, it will just get pushed aside. So what good does it really do to have parties, I mean nothing ever gets done that benefits the country.
But, this isn't about this, this is about Lincoln being ahead of his time. I feel like he knew there would be a time when good leadership could really solidify the country. I think both parties working together is a pipe dream, having an opinion and a party is what money is made of. But, think about how stupid it is. Some of our best leaders fight against each other, instead of fighting for us. It does not make sense to me. I believe parties should work together, but does it go against what this country was built upon. Our country is built on checks and balances, competition, and everyone gets a say. So not having parties may defy the U.S. foundation, but I believe working together is key to a better United States. Our best leaders should be fighting for us and standing together. Abe Lincoln knew that, he was ahead of his time.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Are we better off now? or before WWII?
This post was inspired by the movie World War Z, starring Brad Pitt, where a deadly virus tunrs people basically into flesh eathing humans, or Zombies. In my mind, this is a very scary movie because of what I study. I study International Relations and Economics, which is basically relations with the whole world and how we are interconnected. Though, who cares that the Middle East is expereincing a lung disease that is incurbale right now, or the spread of Ebola. Did people forget about the Spanish Flu that almost wiped out 1/3 of the world population in the early 20th century. This is not what I want this post to be, but, for my generation are we really better off than people before WWII. Studies say yes, with advanced technology and advances in the medial field we are better off.
For some reason though it is tough to believe. My generation will be dealing with Global Warming, it isn't happening now, or in 10 years, but when I am 40-50, we could be right in the thick of it. Possibly overpopulation, I know in some developed countries, population is declinging, but, estimates show that by 2020 there will be 8-9 billion people in the world. Right now, there are about a billion people who live on a dollar a day, and almost 2 billion that live on less than $1.25. Though we produce enough food to feed the whole world, we do not, most food actually gets wasted, but if it hasn't happened now when we can I do not think we will be efficient enough to feed more than we can produce. With almost a billion more people coming into the world in such as short period, that means less land to cultivate food and more people we cannot feed because we do not have the land because more and more people are taking up land. Also, circle back around, with global wamring, climate change will definitely hinder cultivating food. It is a vicous cycle and it seems like the next thing just snowballs into the next. Is it worse now or before WWII though?
To be honest, I do not know. I am just a 20 year old who lives in Cincinnati. But, the signs aren't good. Hopefully sustainability catches on, hopefully in the next election for the U.S, instead of hearing about pointless debates on taxes, he/she did this or that, or how many $$ the campaign used. I want to hear about infrastrucuture and how we are preparing for the future, or sustainability and food security. Do you know the world is more likely to go crazy and fight a war because of water instead immigration? Their are countries in Africa right now going to war just because of a watering hole and that is the difference between life and death for them. What happnes on a larger scale.
It is crazy to think about, but, these are the problems I study on a daily basis. To me, their is a solution, and I hope I can be a part of the solution, but also I want to spread the word. I know everyone has their opinion on why America is falling behind (which we are not really), but, one of the reasons we could is not being educated about whats going on in the world or domestically. Though it may not seem like it that a farmer in Brazil who is broke because of a severe drought may not affect us, but it does and it is interconnected. Most of our produce and food now comes from Brazil. It is a cycle. It is a zero-sum world and no one will benefit.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
What's Going On In the World
So, in case you live in a box on the side of I-71 North, but you probably don't because you are reading this, there are an abnormal amount of crazy things going on in the world. I would like to outline them for you and get you caught up on why we may be safer than ever in the 21st century, their are some crazy happenings going on.
1. So about 2 months ago, flight MH17 went down over either China, Malaysia, Bay of Bengal, Pacific Ocean, Australia or Indian Ocean. Glad I could narrow that down for you because even officials to this day have absolutely no idea where the plane is. A huge plane carrying over 300 people. . . This is definitely weird, in my humble educated opinion, I think it landed, because there is no way you lose a place that big.
2. This week, another MH17 flight was shot down over Ukraine. Now this isn't really a mystery to me, it is just stupidity. The FAA has a flight ban through that area, but to save money, they went through anyway. So though it is heartbreak and my heart goes out to everyone on the flight, Malaysian Airlines has to be punished someway. Though, so should Russia and the Russian Separatists, which leads me too this. . . . . .
3. Crimea decided it didn't want to be a part of Ukraine anymore and Russia agreed, so they voted to leave Ukraine. But, Obviously if you are Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in Crimea did not want to leave or move or have their country be swallowed up by power hungry Russia. So they have been fighting for about 3-4 months now. While really nothing has been to Russia, as they are supplying missiles to the separatist, so really, Russia has blood on their hands. Something should be done, but probably nothing will
4. Another flight crashed in Taiwan, killing around 50 people. With all the monsoons going on and the hurricanes in the Pacific, why would you chance it in the storm. However they did and had to emergency land because of the storm.
5. TODAY, a plane left Burkina Faso headed for Algiers and immediately lost signal, so they would eventually crash in Mali. Haven't heard of any fatalities but it surely isn't a good time to fly right now.
6. So, Israel decided to attack the Palestinian people again, for about the 3rd time in 2 years. Many harmless children are dying and even adults who have nothing to do with HAMAS. Israel is taking it out on the Palestinian people. It is getting way out of hand, and nothing has been done to stop the killing. I believe over the past week, over 1,000 Palestinians have dies, about 20-30 a week, while only about 10 Israeli Soldiers, so do you see the problem. I used to be pro-Israel because I saw some stability in Middle East with them there for the US, but now I am very Pro-Palestinian and sanction Israel, it is terrible to have an allie like that. They are just killing. . .
I will go into more of the attacks on the Gaza Strip, but it is so complicated it is tough to write about it in one sitting. Their is bad history on both sides you have to trace back 30-40 years. Whether you are Israeli or Palestinian, their is harmless killing going on and it is sad.
1. So about 2 months ago, flight MH17 went down over either China, Malaysia, Bay of Bengal, Pacific Ocean, Australia or Indian Ocean. Glad I could narrow that down for you because even officials to this day have absolutely no idea where the plane is. A huge plane carrying over 300 people. . . This is definitely weird, in my humble educated opinion, I think it landed, because there is no way you lose a place that big.
2. This week, another MH17 flight was shot down over Ukraine. Now this isn't really a mystery to me, it is just stupidity. The FAA has a flight ban through that area, but to save money, they went through anyway. So though it is heartbreak and my heart goes out to everyone on the flight, Malaysian Airlines has to be punished someway. Though, so should Russia and the Russian Separatists, which leads me too this. . . . . .
3. Crimea decided it didn't want to be a part of Ukraine anymore and Russia agreed, so they voted to leave Ukraine. But, Obviously if you are Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in Crimea did not want to leave or move or have their country be swallowed up by power hungry Russia. So they have been fighting for about 3-4 months now. While really nothing has been to Russia, as they are supplying missiles to the separatist, so really, Russia has blood on their hands. Something should be done, but probably nothing will
4. Another flight crashed in Taiwan, killing around 50 people. With all the monsoons going on and the hurricanes in the Pacific, why would you chance it in the storm. However they did and had to emergency land because of the storm.
5. TODAY, a plane left Burkina Faso headed for Algiers and immediately lost signal, so they would eventually crash in Mali. Haven't heard of any fatalities but it surely isn't a good time to fly right now.
6. So, Israel decided to attack the Palestinian people again, for about the 3rd time in 2 years. Many harmless children are dying and even adults who have nothing to do with HAMAS. Israel is taking it out on the Palestinian people. It is getting way out of hand, and nothing has been done to stop the killing. I believe over the past week, over 1,000 Palestinians have dies, about 20-30 a week, while only about 10 Israeli Soldiers, so do you see the problem. I used to be pro-Israel because I saw some stability in Middle East with them there for the US, but now I am very Pro-Palestinian and sanction Israel, it is terrible to have an allie like that. They are just killing. . .
I will go into more of the attacks on the Gaza Strip, but it is so complicated it is tough to write about it in one sitting. Their is bad history on both sides you have to trace back 30-40 years. Whether you are Israeli or Palestinian, their is harmless killing going on and it is sad.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Global Warming Is Not Fair
This should seem obvious, should it not? But, many people and countries do not see it that way. It is a terrible situation to be in no matter where you are. However, global warming is not fair. It exsits mainly because many of the core economic countries today are core because they went through some type of industrial revolution, which boosted global warming. Many scientist believe the worst was when the northern half of Europe and the United States went through their industrial revolutions. Now, we are past that stage, but not every country, China, India, Africa, Middle East, South America, when they start to develop even more than they are now, it was just push global warming to the brink. Wouldn't however be unfair to not let them go through a time that would push them economically?
That is the million dollar question, but not everyone will suffer as well. I would say the United States, Europe, Japan and China share about 90% of the fault, the rest of the world about 10%. However, the US and Europe will not suffer as much as everyone else in the world. Take a look at this map and look at the vulnerability of countries.
As you can see, the only fair case is really some of South America and Australlia, however, the countries that do not hurt global warming are the ones most vulnerable. Think about how many Third World Countries who have not developed, are at fault, none. Just looking at the pacific islands, and most countries in Africa do not contrinute to global warming. The United States is the main culprit, yet, we are the least vulnerable to the damages of global warming. It is not fair, and it should be dealt with. It should be in a way that does not hinder the development of other countries.
My generation and generations to come will be dealing with the repercussions of global warming, it is our job to stymmy the damage, yet keep developing. It will be a tough task and 50 years from now, the world will definietly look a lot different. Technology needs to not just become smarter, but in a way that does not hinder the sustainability of this planet. If not, these are the deaths you can expect to see because of global warming, and again, it is the places that are not contributing to the problem.
That is the million dollar question, but not everyone will suffer as well. I would say the United States, Europe, Japan and China share about 90% of the fault, the rest of the world about 10%. However, the US and Europe will not suffer as much as everyone else in the world. Take a look at this map and look at the vulnerability of countries.
As you can see, the only fair case is really some of South America and Australlia, however, the countries that do not hurt global warming are the ones most vulnerable. Think about how many Third World Countries who have not developed, are at fault, none. Just looking at the pacific islands, and most countries in Africa do not contrinute to global warming. The United States is the main culprit, yet, we are the least vulnerable to the damages of global warming. It is not fair, and it should be dealt with. It should be in a way that does not hinder the development of other countries.
My generation and generations to come will be dealing with the repercussions of global warming, it is our job to stymmy the damage, yet keep developing. It will be a tough task and 50 years from now, the world will definietly look a lot different. Technology needs to not just become smarter, but in a way that does not hinder the sustainability of this planet. If not, these are the deaths you can expect to see because of global warming, and again, it is the places that are not contributing to the problem.
This is gut wrenching to me, because global warming is anthropogneic. It is something that humans are doing to our own planet. When it comes down to it, humans are their own worst enemy, but, yet again, we are not the animals. It is time to look up and prepare for the problems. Just take a look at this graphic, this is our destruction, think about it
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The Bravest Moment ... July 4th, 1776
Imagine just going up against one of the best countries in everything. Best military in the world, best economy, and a true superpower of its time, Great Britain. I mean they haven't even defeated Napoleon yet, but they will. That just shows the amount of bravery "Americans" had going up against the superpower. It would honestly be like Mexico trying to go up against the United States today. But, in one moment, we shined. We hung on in the war, the French helped a bit, but, in one moment, this country stepped up to the plate to create what we have today. Honestly, thinking back, I do not know if I was in that situation if I would do it. I mean if caught, which was a good chance, all of these men would of been hung to death, just for freedom.
But, that is what this comes down to. They went all the way for our freedom and what bette way to celebrate a creation of a country. I mean if your going to gain independence that is how I would want it done. To me that is the best story about being American and that is what being an American is all about. It isn't just a day where we gained our independence, it was a day where 56 men risked their own lives for a birth of a free country. Some countries have existed for a millennia, France has been an organized country since around 1006, we may of gained it way later than everyone else, but the way we did it and how makes me proud to be an American.
So, when you are celebrating Independence Day, make a toast to the 56 brave men who basically signed their death warrant for our freedom and that is how America was born.
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Meeting of the 2nd continental Congress to pass the Declaration of Independence |
But, that is what this comes down to. They went all the way for our freedom and what bette way to celebrate a creation of a country. I mean if your going to gain independence that is how I would want it done. To me that is the best story about being American and that is what being an American is all about. It isn't just a day where we gained our independence, it was a day where 56 men risked their own lives for a birth of a free country. Some countries have existed for a millennia, France has been an organized country since around 1006, we may of gained it way later than everyone else, but the way we did it and how makes me proud to be an American.
So, when you are celebrating Independence Day, make a toast to the 56 brave men who basically signed their death warrant for our freedom and that is how America was born.
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