Monday, July 21, 2014

Global Warming Is Not Fair

This should seem obvious, should it not? But, many people and countries do not see it that way. It is a terrible situation to be in no matter where you are. However, global warming is not fair. It exsits mainly because many of the core economic countries today are core because they went through some type of industrial revolution, which boosted global warming. Many scientist believe the worst was when the northern half of Europe and the United States went through their industrial revolutions. Now, we are past that stage, but not every country, China, India, Africa, Middle East, South America, when they start to develop even more than they are now, it was just push global warming to the brink. Wouldn't however be unfair to not let them go through a time that would push them economically?

That is the million dollar question, but not everyone will suffer as well. I would say the United States, Europe, Japan and China share about 90% of the fault, the rest of the world about 10%. However, the US and Europe will not suffer as much as everyone else in the world. Take a look at this map and look at the vulnerability of countries.
As you can see, the only fair case is really some of South America and Australlia, however, the countries that do not hurt global warming are the ones most vulnerable. Think about how many Third World Countries who have not developed, are at fault, none. Just looking at the pacific islands, and most countries in Africa do not contrinute to global warming. The United States is the main culprit, yet, we are the least vulnerable to the damages of global warming. It is not fair, and it should be dealt with. It should be in a way that does not hinder the development of other countries.

My generation and generations to come will be dealing with the repercussions of global warming, it is our job to stymmy the damage, yet keep developing. It will be a tough task and 50 years from now, the world will definietly look a lot different. Technology needs to not just become smarter, but in a way that does not hinder the sustainability of this planet. If not, these are the deaths you can expect to see because of global warming, and again, it is the places that are not contributing to the problem.

This is gut wrenching to me, because global warming is anthropogneic. It is something that humans are doing to our own planet. When it comes down to it, humans are their own worst enemy, but, yet again, we are not the animals. It is time to look up and prepare for the problems. Just take a look at this graphic, this is our destruction, think about it 

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