Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Bravest Moment ... July 4th, 1776

Imagine just going up against one of the best countries in everything. Best military in the world, best economy, and a true superpower of its time, Great Britain. I mean they haven't even defeated Napoleon yet, but they will. That just shows the amount of bravery "Americans" had going up against the superpower. It would honestly be like Mexico trying to go up against the United States today. But, in one moment, we shined. We hung on in the war, the French helped a bit, but, in one moment, this country stepped up to the plate to create what we have today. Honestly, thinking back, I do not know if I was in that situation if I would do it. I mean if caught, which was a good chance, all of these men would of been hung to death, just for freedom.
Meeting of the 2nd continental Congress to pass the Declaration of Independence 

But, that is what this comes down to. They went all the way for our freedom and what bette way to celebrate a creation of a country. I mean if your going to gain independence that is how I would want it done. To me that is the best story about being American and that is what being an American is all about. It isn't just a day where we gained our independence, it was a day where 56 men risked their own lives for a birth of a free country. Some countries have existed for a millennia, France has been an organized country since around 1006, we may of gained it way later than everyone else, but the way we did it and how makes me proud to be an American.

So, when you are celebrating Independence Day, make a toast to the 56 brave men who basically signed their death warrant for our freedom and that is how America was born.

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