Thursday, July 24, 2014

What's Going On In the World

So, in case you live in a box on the side of I-71 North, but you probably don't because you are reading this, there are an abnormal amount of crazy things going on in the world. I would like to outline them for you and get you caught up on why we may be safer than ever in the 21st century, their are some crazy happenings going on.

1. So about 2 months ago, flight MH17 went down over either China, Malaysia, Bay of Bengal, Pacific Ocean, Australia or Indian Ocean. Glad I could narrow that down for you because even officials to this day have absolutely no idea where the plane is. A huge plane carrying over 300 people. . . This is definitely weird, in my humble educated opinion, I think it landed, because there is no way you lose a place that big.

2. This week, another MH17 flight was shot down over Ukraine. Now this isn't really a mystery to me, it is just stupidity. The FAA has a flight ban through that area, but to save money, they went through anyway. So though it is heartbreak and my heart goes out to everyone on the flight, Malaysian Airlines has to be punished someway. Though, so should Russia and the Russian Separatists, which leads me too this. . . . . .

3. Crimea decided it didn't want to be a part of Ukraine anymore and Russia agreed, so they voted to leave Ukraine. But, Obviously if you are Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in Crimea did not want to leave or move or have their country be swallowed up by power hungry Russia. So they have been fighting for about 3-4 months now. While really nothing has been to Russia, as they are supplying missiles to the separatist, so really, Russia has blood on their hands. Something should be done, but probably nothing will

4. Another flight crashed in Taiwan, killing around 50 people. With all the monsoons going on and the hurricanes in the Pacific, why would you chance it in the storm. However they did and had to emergency land because of the storm.

5. TODAY, a plane left Burkina Faso headed for Algiers and immediately lost signal, so they would eventually crash in Mali. Haven't heard of any fatalities but it surely isn't a good time to fly right now.


6. So, Israel decided to attack the Palestinian people again, for about the 3rd time in 2 years. Many harmless children are dying and even adults who have nothing to do with HAMAS. Israel is taking it out on the Palestinian people. It is getting way out of hand, and nothing has been done to stop the killing. I believe over the past week, over 1,000 Palestinians have dies, about 20-30 a week, while only about 10 Israeli Soldiers, so do you see the problem. I used to be pro-Israel because I saw some stability in Middle East with them there for the US, but now I am very Pro-Palestinian and sanction Israel, it is terrible to have an allie like that. They are just killing. . .

I will go into more of the attacks on the Gaza Strip, but it is so complicated it is tough to write about it in one sitting. Their is bad history on both sides you have to trace back 30-40 years. Whether you are Israeli or Palestinian, their is harmless killing going on and it is sad.

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