Monday, June 30, 2014

Not Just Yet China. . .

Not just yet China, it is not your time to take your spot amidst the Core yet. America has been the only superpower now for 24 years and honestly, what a good 24 years it has been. In the last elections, one of the adverts going around was Chinese students laughing at the fall of America and the spread of Chinese culture. Well, I can tell you that we are at least 40-50 years of a sole superpower and that superpower will probably be America still. No one else really wants the position at the top. I think for now China is only a regional power and thats all they want to me. They will make strides, but thats not tomorrow. China right now refuses to step in on North Korea, which to me tells a tale that they do not want to step into the International Elite. They do hold a spot at the security council, but that does them nothing.

I think one thing that holds China back is their culture. Like in one of my earlier posts, I respect all cultures and I am a fan of the Chinese culture. But, I am probably 1 in a 1,000. It just isn't a culture that is understood in all parts of the world except in Asia. They eat different foods that just aren't appealing, they have culture normalizes that just aren't attractive. I love it, again, nothing against the Chinese, I like the way they do somethings. But, the world loves American culture. I see it everywhere. In Taiwan, everyone was so intrigued with Americans. Its the Hollywood, the food, they culture, everyone loves the idea of an American Dream. Language also plays a large role, Chinese is probably the most difficult language to learn. Compared to English, it is the formal language of the world and fairly easier to learn.

Those are small things though. One quality that drives powers of the world is a strong middle class. China has a growing middle class, but it is still small. The GDP per capita in America is almost 50,000$, in China it is 12,000$. That is one indicator that China is not ready to step up and it will be awhile. Also, last time I checked, America has the largest economy in the world still. Yes, we are growing at an average rate of 2%, but China growth is declining due to reform in banking and corruption. America is still the only world power to step up in world affairs, that is a healthy sign that America is still at the top and the Global peace officer. I am ok with that, because the longer we can prolong another superpower, the more peace my generation will get. So relax Americans, and not so fast China.

Thats my Take on America.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

America Has Always Been #1

This isn' just another America is the best because we are the best post. I am not that type of person. Being an International Relations major, I have respect for every country and their culture. But, recently, all I have heard is that America is weak, China will be #1 soon, American culture is fading, and we are a idiotic country. I hear complaining about selfies, twerking, or anything else why people hate America. Please share the stereotypes if you know, because this will be the theme of my next couple topics.

There are somethings wrong with America and I know everyone believes in the conspiracy theories, but, think about it, could you imagine yourself anywhere else? I have been to Taiwan and Guatemala, people love America. I think foreigners love America more than Americans appreciate what we have. We are not even falling in influence. Countries like North Korea and Iran still fear us. China knows they aren't even close to becoming a superpower. Foreigners yearn to be a part of American culture.

Let's face it, we all have it pretty lucky. I really have no complaints in America. Our education has always been top notch, our economy is still #1, our per capita GDP is still way above almost every country, and I believe the American Dream is still alive and well. Everyone always says that we are not competing at the highest levels in science or math. Well then why do we still influence the world? We may not be the smartest or the richest but we always seem to come out on top.

So this week, I am dedicating to the greatness of America and I will back it up with statistics. We are the best thing that has happened to this world since 1776! So jump on the bandwagon and enjoy the rise, because this week is America week.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ann Coulter... Do US a Favor and Shut-UP!!

If you have nee following the World Cup in America then you might of heard the news today that Ann Coulter, a conservative pundit has been speaking out about the popularity of the World Cup in America. She is quoted of saying " Any growing of soccer can only be a sign of the nations moral decay".... I really wish she wouldn't of gone there. I mean REALLYYY!? I actually might think this will make the sport more popular, but come on. She goes onto saying soccer is a non-athletic sport and is an un-American sport. She has made all of these comments speaking out about the World Cup. The sport is growing and that can only be a sign of really nothing, just that many Americans enjoy watching soccer. The fact that she tries to attack a sport is just crazy.

The day after the USMNT probably has its best loss ever to go through to the knockout stages and this stuff comes out is ridiculous. I would say you could make a good argument it is un-American to not support your nation in any international arena whether it be soccer or a summit of world leaders. Every 4 years the Major League Soccer is judged by how well the US do in the World Cup and this year you can tell that it is a league and sport is growing. Kyle Beckerman and Matt Besler have proved that you can play in the MLS and compete with Cristiano Ronaldo, Germany and Ghana. This woman is allowed to have her opinion and I am allowed to have my take on it, but, I believe this couldn't of come at a better time. I believe this just proves that soccer is becoming more popular at the domestic level and international level. Well done Ann Coulter. I hope the USMNT dedicates their tremendous win over Belgium Tuesday to you.

Thats my Take Ann.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Marx Was Kind of Right

So in most of my economic classes we discuss many theories about economics. We read a lot of Smith, Keynes, and Karl Marx. We definitely discuss those guys the majority of the time and most of it is their takes on capitalism or other various forms on how an economy runs. Well, Karl Marx's take on capitalism is often skewed and of course he always argues in the favor of Communism. He always thought the communal economy was the best way because the proletariat controlled the system. Well his take on capitalism is that it steals the workers right to think or be able to be creative. He said capitalism takes advantage of the individual worker.

I always argued the other way in my essays. I remember last year arguing that capitalism was the best system for the proletariat because it gave them a chance to rise within and become the manager one day or create their own company because in communism everything is the same. But, this week, most of you know I started working in a warehouse job. Which is good, I love making more money at a job that I never had before and I also lose weight because I am lifting vinyl pads all day for your beautiful cars. But, my point is that Marx was kind of right about one thing when it comes to capitalism. It is back breaking work and it definitely takes the creativity away from work. I still think capitalism is the ideal way to run an economy. It allows for competition, but he was right that it can really drain someone. Though in America's Proletariat has never rose up, they created Unions and now they definitely do earn better wages.

Think about what is going on now with McDonalds and the whole minimum wage issue. You definitely cannot make a living with the minimum wage, but, the proletariat of America is kind of getting a bit of a stir. I am definitely not saying that America is becoming communism, but, Marx would say that the Proletariat would rise in the capitalistic system. Did you know in Norway Mcdonals employees make a minimum of 15$/hr? It is definitely an interesting take and Marx was sort of right. Good to know he wasn't just some crazy German guy who looked like Santa Clause and was very grumpy when it came to money

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The "Redskin" Brand

It it just me or does it seem that these billionaires who own teams just seem like they are growing old and feel like they can do anything. I mean from Donald Sterling making  racist comments to Dan Snyder who refuses to change the teams name and is actually making adds to defend the name. That is not to shocking to me but it is not a good sign. My generation especially is not afraid to step up and speak out and we saw that and are still seeing it with the Donald Sterling situation.

To me, it is just ridiculous, Dan Snyder is brining this along and could possibly lose his team just like Donald Sterling lost his team. I really wish Roger Goodell would give Snyder an ultimatum. Lets face it, the term Redskin was used as a derogatory term towards Native Americans. Some people have been making the connection to the Cleveland Indians, however, Indian is a politically correct term that has been used. I do not see the connection, however, I do see the need for the Washington Redskins to change their name. I am really disappointed that it has lasted this long.

I know Dan Snyder has been visiting Native American Reserves and donating money, but it is just a half ass attempt to cover himself and just keep making money off the team name. Native Americans and Congressman have spoke out about the team name, and actually an ad has been running to get the name changed. Listen, they are exploiting a team name for money and it is pretty sick. I think the name should be changed and I think that the fans and people in Washington D.C. should boycott games and should quit purchasing items with the name on it or face.

Today the US patent office revoked 6 patents the Washington football team has and I love it. When the government is getting involved you know it is a big deal. This actually isn't the first time the US patent office has taken Dan Snyder to court over the team name, it happened awhile back, but the US Patent office lost over a technicality. I believe this time they will not lose and then there will be a big dilemma the team will face. Then, other organizations can use the trademark for there benefit. Forbes magazine values the Washington Team at 1.7 billion and about 300 million of that is because of the name. So the team is making around that much money for using a racial slur as their name. I think in the end, it will be a long drawn out court case that Dan Snyder will lose just like Donald Sterling will lose his. I mean we shouldn't be to surprised, because to be honest, these old white billionaires do not realize that the world is changing and they should at least change with it or they will lose their team.
This is the logo and as you can infer yourself, it is very derogatory. If you are a fan of this team, no problem, just stand up for what is right. Be the change you want to see. 

Thats TJs Take on this socioeconomic dilemma in sports 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Round 1 of World Cup in the Books

As of today all the teams participating in the World Cup have played. What a week it has been! This is a record setting world cup, entertaining world cup and probably the best I have seen since I started watching back in Germany 2006. This is all good for America as well, this is the first World Cup since the United States hosted it back in 1994 that games have been prime time, and thanks to ESPN all the games have been covered and are seeing record numbers in the United States. Each game has average 3.5 million viewers, which isn't bad for soccer. But, the best has been the 7.5 viewer rating of the USA first round matchup against Ghana. This 7.5 viewer rating was better than the last games of the NBA finals game 5, NHL Stanley Cup finals Game 5 and the final day of the US Open. THAT IS HUGE! Soccer Futbol is becoming huge in the US and it is so good to the future development of the sport in America, if you want to be like Brazil and England, you need to grow the popularity. In my next post, I will compare the Football and Futbol and why it is promising for US. But, for now, lets talk the first round of the World Cup.

I have watched every game, or listened to every game, so I think I will do pretty good doing the review.
Team I love: Right now, I love the Dutch and the Germans as frontrunners to hoist the cup. When you come out and beat a quality team like Spain 5-1, you have to like those chances. With Van Persia and Robben playing at high levels, I see this team marching right back to the World Cup final. Germany was also outstanding, they demolished a very good side in Portugal. Granted, they did lose Pepe, Almeida and Coentrao, but when you have Ronaldo, no reason you shouldn't compete. I just love the way Germany looked and played, their defense shut down Ronaldo and their attacking looks similar to the Spain Team that won the cup in 2010. They play with a packed midfield and a false 9, with some great talent.

Biggest Disappointment: Right now I would also say 2 teams I just kind of wondered where they went. The first team is Spain, I mean they are favorites to repeat as winners, they have one of the best strikers in the game and still great quality throughout the team. I do think though, it is a testament to Barcelona and Real Madrid, whose defenses struggles this year and I think that really showed in the game against Netherlands. Casillas had probably worst game of his career, Ramos and Pique looked horrendous and Xavi/Iniesta were invisible in the midfield. Spain has tons of young talent, I would not be afraid to put Koke, De Gea, and maybe Cesc or David Villa up top. The 2nd team that shocked me was Uruguay, they looked absolutely worse then Spain losing by 4. I mean, the United States beat Costa Rica twice in qualifying, however, Costa Rica came out and just dominated this Uruguay team. Uruguay looked deflated and honestly, I do not think they will get out of the group. Which is ashamed, because they have maybe the best attacking trio in the world with Forlan, Suarez and Cavani.

Brasil: I am also unsure about Brazil, they had a shaky first game, and I believe that they were handed a win by the referee. They could easily be in 3rd right now in the group. I think they will advance with Croatia, Mexico is playing great right now, but I think they the Crotes will beat Cameroon by 2 and advance on a win versus Mexico.

Brazil the Country: One of the main topics has been the weather, stadiums and infrastructure leading up to this World Cup. The humidity at games has been crazy and I think it shows. There are more injuries and goals in the 2nd half, which I believe is a testament to the weather. Teams are getting more tired in the 2nd half. The USA played in 90 degree weather with 76% humidity, that is ridiculous and it showed. 2 guys got hammier and cramping all over the field, something to watch for going forward.

Man of Matches so far:
Thomas Muller (Germany): A hat trick against Portugal
Memo Ochoa(Mexico)GK: 2 clean sheets and single handily stopped Brazil in 2nd match
Arjen Robben (Holland): 2 goals and really bolstered Hollands chances of advancing out of group
John Anthony Brooks (USA): Game winning header and played crucial D standing in for Besler
Karim Benzema (France): had 2 goals, should of had 3, however, led France to great win

Top 5 goals:
#5 Haris Seferovic of Switzerland, they scored a late winner in stoppage time. I think it is a great goal when it comes to the team and buildup to go all the way down the field in the 93rd minute to score the game winning goal. Magnificent! (

#4 Clint Dempsey of United States, the way he did it was just fantastics. Great ball in by Jermaine Jones, does a little trick to get past defender and then just nets it in for a great finish. Fastest goal by US sever in World Cup, record now held by Clint. (

#3 Maroaune Fellaine of Belgium goal verse Algeria. Should of started, but comes in as a substitute and scored in the 70th minute to put his team level. He goes up for the header with his back turned away from goal, literally, behind the goal puts it over the keeper... what a finish by the guy with a beautiful fro! (

#2 John Anthony Brooks of United States, I mean really? The guy came up huge for the United States. He is only 21 years old playing in his very first World Cup! He goes up and just wants it more than anyone in the air. The moment was huge, everything about this goal was amazing! Most of all, he gave hope to the United States. (

#1 Van Persie of the Netherlands, what a great goal! I love it, a great 51 yard ball into Persie, he heads it perfectly over Casillas into the net. One of the best goals that I have ever seen, honestly, I could talk about it all day, but it is just a beauty to watch! Check it out (

Monday, June 16, 2014

Futbol in America is a Good Thing

I have heard so much recently from fellow soccer futbol fans in America that they are upset that people who have never stepped onto a field before are excited about the World Cup. This really irks me, because those same people always complain that there isn't enough interest in the United States for futbol. Well, get off your high horse and accept every fan of the game. The World Cup is the best chance for America to grow the sport in this country. If we want to be like Brasil, Argentina and England, we need to accept every fan we can get.

I am very excited about the publicity the World Cup has gotten in the states. I see many people talking about it and actually watching many of the games. Which is awesome to me, that is the best thing about playing soccer, it is a fans game.

Today is a big day for the United States to take on the World. Every one has doubted them since the very beginning in this group. But, to me, this is the best chance for the sport to grow in America, which is the most important facet. Once the sport starts to grow in America, then the quality will get better every year.

So soccer people, Shut-Up and accept non-soccer people to the party.

Thats TJs Take

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Well Those Fell Quickly. . .

The past 2 years the United States has been pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, now, since then many cities in Iraq are falling to the Terrorist group known as Al-Qaeda. Does it seem like to much, as a country, the United States has poured trillions of dollars, thousands of troops and many advisors to what seems like a losing cause since the beginning. Granted, this was brought up yesterday and I am thankful for it the action, but could you imagine Saddam Hussein in control of Iraq now with Bashar Al-Assad in control of Syria. That is asking for some geopolitical problems. The  United States would of lost all control in that area of the world, but, thankfully the gulf wars did something useful. Though we have been fighting a losing battle, you cannot stop in middle of the game, and I will tell you why.

Usually I am all for strategic foreign policy, but, once you commit, you cannot walk out. What I mean by that, is you declare a War on Terror, devote trillions of dollars you keep fighting until you know there can no longer be any repercussions. The Middle East is tricky, Iran is a force to be reckon with and so is Syria because of the people in charge. In the Middle East it is all about keeping control of the situations. Long ago we pledged alliance with Israel and the US has to live with that mistake decision, however, that means you have to play the balance sheet to maintain influence in the area. Iran is already a threat to regional security and also Syria and they are allies in the region, but, if the terror group can seize Iraq so easily, then why leave. Let me tell you now, it is very dangerous to lose security in that area of the world. I am mad that we are pulling troops out of this area of the world when obviously the situation is not taken care of. The Iraqi government was not stable enough to leave then, which makes me think now the Afghanistan government is in the same boat and cities continue to fall to these militant groups.

Terrorist Militants in Iraq are taking on the Iraqi government and winning handily. This past week they took the 2nd largest city in Iraq and it is looking like it could become a regional conflict. Obama has already said he will not commit troops however air strikes are possible. I am just beyond flabbergasted with this decision. I understand that you do not want to commit US soldiers, I have friends in the military, but they signed up to do a job. The US government and military has done a half-ass job in this area of the world. They committed weapons and money to Iraqi soldiers who are now being beaten down by small militias basically. Great way to spend money.
Obama trying to learn more about Foreign Policy in the Middle East

I call to commit something. I have agreed with many things with Obama, I felt like he gave us a better chance at growing than Mitt Romney. So far though, I am deeply depressed about his foreign policy. The situation in Ukraine has already pissed me off, because I still feel like we are sitting on our hands while Vladmir Putin is getting more confidence. Plus now, 30 years on the War on Terror and we are losing the country we poured everything into.

The debate for so long now has been China is going to be a world power or Russia is making a run for it again, but none have. From what I have learned and could see, the United States has been the only superpower since 1990. When you control everything, you need to act like it and then other countries will back down. Its when you start to become complacent is when it gives countries like China to step in as a world leader.

Thats my take on stupidity

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Why the World Cup Embodies the Best the World Can Be

I think International Soccer can be used for many metaphors when it comes to globalization. For those of you who live under a rock, the World Cup happens every 4 years, and 32 teams qualify within their continent. So their are federations on continents, such as CONCACAF in North America, UEFA in Europe and Oceania in the Pacific. So countries have to win games through a calendar year and come in the top 4 of the continent to qualify. The point is that it is truly a world organization if you look at it correctly.

The World Cup however could represent the best the world has to offer. So much has been said about globalization and world of no borders. While that all seems like a fairytale, the World Cup embodies what it could be. Countries can get along and and coexist on one soccer field. These 32 teams come together for one month and exhibit professionalism and patriotism at the same time. This year both Iran and Russia are competing. If the United States were to face either team, which they could in the round of 16, it is likely that they would swap gifts and play with a sense of respect. One of my teachers has always said that countries act like people, because they are ran by people. A better future envisioned by most people requires the cooperation between countries, like what is exhibited in the World Cup.

It is possible to coexist on a planet. If you take it to the next level, these players play for clubs all around the world. So they play for their country when they are called upon, but a player that plays for Japan can play in Italy or England for club. So their are some crossing boundaries and their is a distinction of culture, but, they coexist. If the World Cup embodied what is going on today, players would have to play domestically, they wouldn't be allowed playing in some of the best leagues in the world. On top of that there would be a disrespect for the game and the players.

I do not see that, and that is why I love the World Cup. The World Cup and the Olympics embody the best of international cooperation. If only it was like that in real life. It is something to take note on as international cooperation becomes more important as the world encounters problems such as global warming, natural disasters, food shortages and water shortages.

Also, I recommend the book Why Soccer Explains Globalization, it is a great book that goes into more detail about soccer in the world.

That is TJs Take on the World Cup and Globalization

Friday, June 13, 2014

Wasteful Americans

I came up with todays TJ take because of dinner. My mom questioned that Americans were wasteful after my sister shoved a huge piece of Peanut Butter cake in her face. I have seen the numbers before, but they are pretty shocking.

  • 40% of the food in the United States is never eaten
  • Globally, 4 billion tons of food is wasted each year
  • America wasted 33.79 million tons of food in 2010, enough to fill the Empire State Building 91 times
  • Every day, Americans waste enough food to fill up the Rose Bowl (a 90,000 seat football stadium)
  • The US per capita waste has increased 50% since 1974
  • If the US wasted 5% less food it would be enough to feed 4 million Americans and 15% less food wasted would feed 25 million Americans
Wasting Food Cost us this every year
  • 25% of all freshwater used in the US
  • 750 million Dollars per year just to dispose of the food Americans wasted
  • 165 Billion Dollars per year just for household waste
  • 300 million bottles of oil a year
Go to this website for more shocking facts (

These statistics for Americans are about 10x more than the 2nd country behind us compared to waste. The thing though, is it just isn't about being less wasteful or a small change, it has become this American attitude towards waste. I mean think about how many gallons of water you use brushing your teeth or doing dishes, more than what some in a developing country is even using. It has just been built into our holistic view of the world. Most of the food waste is because of over overproportioned meals, over cooking, and just buying stuff you might want and then throw away a year later. Now, I am not saying my family is clean, I bet you we are above the average. I look in some of our cabinets and it seems like we have stuff that we will just never eat. That is the thing though, we waste so much without even thinking about it. 

There are many problems that come with this. Everyone who lives in Cincinnati can see how big Rumpke gets every single year. In New York, there is a floating island of trash that is actually landmarked as one of the highest man-mad structures in the world and it is only trash from Staten Island. It will really have its cost in the long run. It takes 500 years for a diaper to degrade. . . 500 years. Our meals are big, we live big and everything is big, which causes a lot of health problems but also a lot of trash. It is not sustainable and hopefully there is a steady change within the next 20 years, or yet again, my generation will literally be dealing with the 'shit' left behind from the previous generation. 

That is TJs Take on Wasteful Americans. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Guns. . . Again

Listen people, don't you think that this whole gun thing is getting a bit out of hand. Whether you agree with it or not, people are dying and nothing has been done since Sandy Hook to try and combat the problems. Troubled people are still getting guns and they are still killing people. Just this past week, there has been 3 shootings. . . Yes, 7 days, 3 shootings. The latest shooting that happened in Oregon, a 15-year old was armed with an AR-15 Assault rifle, a handgun and numerous magazines of ammo. A weapon that kills so easily, should be the absolute hardest thing to get in the world, however, I can walk into some gun stores, take a 15 minutes class and buy a gun. It is ridiculous that it is that easy and it is fielded by the NRA who refuse to raise any awareness or guidelines. Even a high ranking General in the United States Army said that guns should not be something that civilians who are not trained should carry. Out of all developed countries, the US has more gun related deaths by tenfold compared to the next country.

Now for all the critics who say "what if the army turned on us, I need my gun to fight tyranny", well...  let me tell you, you can keep your gun and the United States Army would still kick your ass, really?

Secondly, for those who say it is in the 2nd amendment, the Right to Bear Arms. Quoted from constitution, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.-The Continental Congress" This to me does not mean any person has the right to bear Arms, to me this means that a well regulated militia who is trained and cross examined has the right to bear arms.

Ever since a school shooting in England about 10 years ago, they banned guns immediately. Since then, there has been no mass shootings or deaths related to guns. Now, there was a rise in the use of knives to kill. But, let me ask you, would you rather have someone come at you with a knife or a gun? Hmmmmmm, tough question TJ, probably ... What Is The Gun? JEOPARDY!

Listen folks, I know most of you will disagree with me, but, there are police and military personnel for a reason and that is to protect. I shouldn't have to worry walking around my college if someone is going to come onto campus shooting or in a movie theatre. I shouldn't even have that fear. There needs to be more regulation, policy, and training. I mean if we are not going to ban guns, it should be the hardest thing you have to do in life to get it. Want a gun? Become a police officer or go into the military.

I know I might piss some people off, but, people are dying and we are just sitting on our hands.

Thats TJ's Take

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


In headlines recently, the head coach of the US Mens Soccer Team, Jurgen Klinsman (Zeh German) said that the United States realistically could not win the World Cup. He was also dead serious about it, it was said in an interview with the New York Times. My opinion is that the United States could win the World Cup. If they can beat or draw with Germany and Portugal then I believe they could beat anyone in the tournament. Now, I would call my opinion is an Americanism opinion, there is the sense of personality that comes with being an American. Since Jurgen Klinsman (Zeh German) has stated his opinion, many Americans have voiced their complaints and told the coach literally to go back to Germany. . . and I agree, to a point.

I am more concerned with this idea that there is this persona of being American. We Americans have a distinct culture and attitude. We always want to win, no matter what, we see ourselves as the #1 in the world in everything. If there was a hashtag for Americans it would be #WeWillWinSomehow. The American grit.

It really originated during the Revolutionary War. When the United States was being defeated and they went into Valley Forge for the winter. Washington brought in a General Baron Von Steuben from Europe. When he came out of camp, he described the soldiers as being gritty and wanted to win, there was a different sense about them. Von Steuben thought he was going to be dealing with a bunch of Brits, but in reality, they spoke differently and changed into this Yankee. It is really interesting that it started there and ever since then Americans have had this certain attitude about them. I think the best example I ever heard was from a teacher and how he described Americans, he said "During WWII, the Germans were mechanical, when a car would break down on the battlefield, the driver would call the general, who called the mechanic and took tons of time to just be a certain methodical way, but, not the Americans, when a car broke down on the battlefield for the Americans, everyone got out, popped open the hood and then fixed it and on they went." That really describes America in a nutshell compared to like a Germany.

So I think it was very wrong for the cynic Jurgen Klinsman to say we will not win the World Cup. It is tomfoolery, no one thought the US Hockey Team would win Gold in 1980, but we did. I would compare both campaigns to this World Cup. We are talented and no one expects it. To say there is not chance pisses me off. I-BELIEVE-THAT-WE-WILL-WIN!!!

and that is Americanism for you! That's TJ's Take!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Westerners Abroad

Yesterday on TJ's Take I introduced the show Idiot Abroad and I talked about why I love the show. But, there is also an eye opening truth about the show and it's why I love the show even more. Karl Pilkington is the epitome of an ordinary Westerner with skewed views on the world because of the nature around them. It is not necessarily a disrespect for culture, but more of plain ignorance. In a more globalized world, the importance of having a general intelligent view of the world is important. I mean, most Americans don't even know our own history, there was a video of a guy asking Americans simple questions about our history and they were clueless. But, it is ever so important now because of globalization. Right now, I can check my phone and know what is going on in India or Zambia. We are becoming a world of no borders and it is important to understand cultures or it could cause a fiasco.

Since I have been in school I have learned many things about Americans not being good at things, because in my field, Americans generally are not best suited for the International Field. But, general knowledge of just knowing where a country is. This picture below shows where Americans thought the Ukraine was, granted, many of them knew, but the fact that some put dots in the United States scares me, and this is what I mean about ignorance of there are other places in the world other than America.

Pretty scary stuff...

The next 20-30 years will be defined by what other countries do. The past 20 years, America has been the only Superpower in the world so our culture and language has dominated the global landscape. But, what if China becomes a superpower or India, do you think Americans are prepared to share the world stage again, I mean it went so well with the Russians. So the importance of being culturally aware is important to me and it should be important to the further development of Americans.

Monday, June 9, 2014

An Idiot Abroad, an Introduction

So, recently I have engaged myself in the TV show An Idiot Abroad, it is a show starring Karl Pilkington. He is described as a typical Englander who is idiot-like and just not normal, I mean the title says it all. But, there are 3 seasons and I have just finished the first season. The theme of the first season is the 7 Wonders of the World, so he travels to China, India, Jordan, Brasil, Peru, Mexico and Egypt. To get the full feel, I suggest you watch it, because it is hilarious, it is set up by Ricky Gervais and he is basically just playing a huge prank on Karl by making him deal with everything around the world, but, the things I wanted to talk about was culture and the typical stereotypes and mindset of people in the West. Especially the cultures he visits, it is very different and I think it is important to outline the importance of different cultures and the ignorance of the West. So today I will introduce it and then go into further detail during the week.
Karl from Idiot Abroad "A typical little Englander"
Culture is very important to the development of the world and I think culture is the best part of humankind. Many people in the West believe that the world really revolves around the U.S. and Western Europe, however, it used to not be this way. The first humans date back to Kimberly in South Africa, and 'modern' civilization was started in the Middle East in Mesopotamia and Cairo (Egypt), or in the East around China and India. It amazes me that people don't realize that the world used to center around India and China, they had the spices and silk that the Europeans craved. In my Europe and the Modern World class this past spring, we learned that from about 1200-1850, Europe was basically the laughing stock of the world. I find that quite funny. But, culture is so important, being well rounded, and that just simply isn't the West at this time and it is quite sad.

That is why I love Idiot Abroad, because at the beginning, he makes fun of everything and refuses. Karl's first trip to China, he sat on a bench in a park and just questioned everything, why this, why that and what are the reasons, is it truly better?  (highlights of China and Karl) And I felt the same way in Taiwan, when I went to use the restroom in Taiwan I questioned everything I know about life, I had no idea. It was about the 2nd week, because for a week, we stayed in a place that didn't have the restrooms that you have to squat and go, but when I really had to go, I encountered it, I just kind of laughed because I said there is no way all 220 IBS of myself is squatting to go. I am glad I did it once to get a feel for it, but I just asked why? Come to find out, it is actually healthier to squat than it is to do what we do. Who knew, but the point is, there is really no right or wrong way and that is the best thing about culture isn't it. And Karl starts to learn that by the end.
The common toilet in China and most parts of the East such as India and the Middle East

I think one of the best parts of Idiot Abroad is his last trip to Peru, which was sure to be the roughest trip for him. He was there to see Manchu Picchu, but to get there he had to go through the Amazon. Well he encounters a tribe in the middle of nowhere living in the Amazon. It is just amazing, and for a couple of days he interacts with the people. He brought a game of Connect 4, and the local kids in the tribe were just amazed. I mean they had no idea what it was and that is the beauty of culture. It is all about respect and culture really makes the world go round. He had the best quote too in China, much of the food on the streets in China are like bugs, toads, and there was a guy actually just sitting there eating a premature bird out of its egg, like just about to hatch feathers and all, but, Karl said this, "if we ever run our of food and we have no idea what to do, we can juste go to China because they are used to eating and using everything". To me, what that really means is hey, every culture does it their own way and it works, but, there are many ways one thing can be done and that is culture and the beauty of it, there are many ways to develop and that is why traveling and the world is so awesome. Just watching the show makes me want to go start traveling again.

That is TJs Take on Culutre and most Idiots Abroad, more discussion tomorrow

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

World Cup in Brazil Part II, A Locals Perception

Throughout all my journey's in life, I have gotten to know some pretty great people around the world. I have great friends on every continent. I do not know how many people can say that at my age. Well fortunately, one of those people I know is Thomás Carbonari who resides in one of the largest cities in the world, Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is a great friend I met down at school, we played soccer together and he knows Brazil. I asked him a couple questions about his perspective on the situation in Brazil. Before I post the Q&A, I wanted to expand a little bit just so people really know the true picture.
Cost of World Cup: $11 Billion 
Revenue: $3 Billion 
GDP: $2.4 Trillion
GDP Per Capita: $12,000
38.9% of the GDP comes from taxes
9.3% of GDP goes towards Healthcare
21.4% of the population lives below the Poverty Rate
When it comes down to it, the taxpayers of Brazil are taking a heavy hit when it comes to paying for a World Cup. No matter how you stack it, the Brazilians are paying a heavy price by hosting the World Cup and they are not seeing the benefit. Here is Thomás view on the situation:
1. Being a soccer player and true fan of the game, are you truly excited for your country to be hosting the World Cup?

 Soccer wise, absolutely. Having the best players that have ever stepped on a soccer field playing against each other is very exciting.

 2. Knowing that your country spent a total of $11 Billion Dollars on Soccer Stadiums, Transportation, and Security and will only generate around $3 Billion Dollars from those ventures, do you question why you would host the Cup?

 There is nothing to question about it. It is clear Brazil is not ready to host an event of this proportion. Not because we are a third world country, but because it is almost impossible to name a politician who is not corrupt.  

It’s questionable if the government has really spent even half of that money in those areas. We all know everything that was under construction for the World Cup went over budget (for no apparent reason), and the population knows there were no improvements in security or transportation.

 3. Do you feel the Government has gotten caught up in the hoopla of the World Cup instead of what is best for the country?

 They have never had in mind what was best for the country.

 4. Knowing that Brazil would play in the World Cup no matter where it is held, does it really matter to host?

 it does matter a little bit. Brazil has been in a really good place economically wise in the past years, and we wanted to show the world that.

 5. Are you going to a game? if so, why?

 No, I am not.

 6. Do you take part in the protests or sympathize with the protesters around the country?

 I sympathize with the protesters that do not damage any property. It is important to show the government there is a line they shouldn’t cross, and if they do, there are consequences.

Hopefully you have enjoyed mine and Thomas's Take on the World Cup in Brazil

Will the Poverty and Lack of Organization Overshadow the World Cup?

Unfortunately, I do not believe so. The World Cup garners much attention from all corners of the world, last year, over 1 billion people tuned in to the World Cup Final(ESPN FC), to put that into perspective, the 2014 Super Bowl has about 111.5 million(ESPN) people tuned in. If you talk to a rational person, they would say yeah of course, 32 countries compete in World Cup, but try telling that to Americans who believe football is the best sport in the world, but that is neither here or there. The World Cup is very popular everywhere, in most countries younglings get a soccer ball for their 1st Birthday. So, on one of the biggest stages in the world, with everyone watching, why do we turn a blind eye that the World Cup brings with it. This photo has made its rounds recently on the web, and I believe this is the perfect picture that represents the ongoing problems Brazil was faced with.

Image representing the problems within Brazil

To me, this is just sad. The country started preparing for the World Cup years in advance, it takes mass amounts of capital to build stadiums, infrastructures and security to prepare for a World Cup. Brazil has spent a total of $11 Billion Dollars getting ready for the World Cup and they are only expected to make around $3Billion, the numbers just do not stack up. When a country whose economy has gradually slowed over the past couple years and social problems run amok in some of the biggest cities in the world, you would think $11 Billion Dollars could go to actually benefitting the country. Rio de Janeiro is home to one of the biggest Favela Communities in the world, it is so crazy big, that Brazil officials are unsure how many people actually live in the Favelas.

I mean this is crazy right? On top of all of those problems, migrant workers in Brazil have been dying due to the harsh conditions in building stadiums. It just begs the question, on such a big stage, why are Soccer Federations involved in the World Cup not putting pressure on FIFA to either make it easier to host a World Cup or work on social programs for these countries. Granted, Brazil is considered a BRIC nation and they have an emerging economy, but, the money could be used to better the lives of many Brazilians. I also believe that Brazilians agree, there have been massive protests all over the country, ticket prices are to steep and almost impossible for the average Brazilian to even enjoy the spoils of a World Cup. There have been signs like this one seen,
The World Bank estimates that there is still about 16% of the population lives in Poverty. Many Brazilians believe that the World Cup is taking away from Public Services and Healthcare. Now, let me tell you, Brazil is probably one of the homes of soccer, so to have about 76% of the population dissatisfied(per Pew Research Center) with hosting the World Cup is a big deal. To me, that means something should be done by FIFA. 

That's TJ's Take on the future of World Cups, you're up next Qatar

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bergdahl and the Negotiation

I saw my friend post about this the other day, he was in the military and he was getting absolutely hammered because he defended Obama for the swap of 5 Taliban detainees in Guantanamo Bay for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the last Prisoner of War in Afghanistan.

To me, this just makes sense. The War on Terror has been going on for more than 10 years now and it is a war, may be a differently fought war, but in the end their were casualties and POW (prisoners of war). During Obama's administration, the war has been coming to an end and the President plans on bringing out almost all U.S. Soldiers within the next year. Well, at the end of the war, it is common to swap POW. This has been going on since the Revolutionary War and it was more frequent back then, but it is still an art of war.

Many Republicans, which are usually very pro-military, have been clamoring down on Obama for negotiating with Terrorists. Also, Congress has expressed distaste because they believe with exchanging of POW's, Congress gets a vote on the matter. However, Obama did not negotiate with the Terrorists directly, he negotiated with the Qatari as a third party to the matter and then the Qatari's reassured that they would take care of the detainees once they got to Qatar. Should Congress have gotten a Vote... I don't really care, when Obama is pulling troops out as the Commander in Chief, Congress really shouldn't get months to decide if we should bring a soldier home.
All I am saying, is put yourself in the shoes of his family, or any soldiers family, you would be relieved that the United States did everything for your family to come home, especially after they put everything on the line for their country.
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
My only wish now, is Obama, please bring Kenneth Bae home from North Korea, because his family deserves it as well

And that's TJ's Take on the situation, hope you enjoyed

Monday, June 2, 2014

Why the Take?

As an International Relations and Economics student, I find myself every day reading the opinions and views of people from USA today or the Wall Street Journal. I subscribe to Forbes and Foreign Policy and I try and catch the Economist Articles all the time. I enjoy being caught up on the current social issues that are affecting the World and the United States. On top of all of that, being a frequent visitor to Facebook and Twitter and the joy of seeing everyones opinion on almost everything. 
Well, I have decided to stay in tune with my writing and discipline and do a blog that explores my take on many things that I feel are important to educate the people around me. Wether people read this or not, I could care less, it gives me a chance to do some research and build a portfolio, if people happen to read it, all the better and I hope I get their opinion. 

One of the most important lessons I have learned over the years from one of my teachers, is always have an opinion and then back it up with hard facts. Whenever I write a paper or research, I make sure my opinion is well though out and backed up. This is what I plan on doing with TJ's Take. 
