Thursday, June 12, 2014

Guns. . . Again

Listen people, don't you think that this whole gun thing is getting a bit out of hand. Whether you agree with it or not, people are dying and nothing has been done since Sandy Hook to try and combat the problems. Troubled people are still getting guns and they are still killing people. Just this past week, there has been 3 shootings. . . Yes, 7 days, 3 shootings. The latest shooting that happened in Oregon, a 15-year old was armed with an AR-15 Assault rifle, a handgun and numerous magazines of ammo. A weapon that kills so easily, should be the absolute hardest thing to get in the world, however, I can walk into some gun stores, take a 15 minutes class and buy a gun. It is ridiculous that it is that easy and it is fielded by the NRA who refuse to raise any awareness or guidelines. Even a high ranking General in the United States Army said that guns should not be something that civilians who are not trained should carry. Out of all developed countries, the US has more gun related deaths by tenfold compared to the next country.

Now for all the critics who say "what if the army turned on us, I need my gun to fight tyranny", well...  let me tell you, you can keep your gun and the United States Army would still kick your ass, really?

Secondly, for those who say it is in the 2nd amendment, the Right to Bear Arms. Quoted from constitution, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.-The Continental Congress" This to me does not mean any person has the right to bear Arms, to me this means that a well regulated militia who is trained and cross examined has the right to bear arms.

Ever since a school shooting in England about 10 years ago, they banned guns immediately. Since then, there has been no mass shootings or deaths related to guns. Now, there was a rise in the use of knives to kill. But, let me ask you, would you rather have someone come at you with a knife or a gun? Hmmmmmm, tough question TJ, probably ... What Is The Gun? JEOPARDY!

Listen folks, I know most of you will disagree with me, but, there are police and military personnel for a reason and that is to protect. I shouldn't have to worry walking around my college if someone is going to come onto campus shooting or in a movie theatre. I shouldn't even have that fear. There needs to be more regulation, policy, and training. I mean if we are not going to ban guns, it should be the hardest thing you have to do in life to get it. Want a gun? Become a police officer or go into the military.

I know I might piss some people off, but, people are dying and we are just sitting on our hands.

Thats TJ's Take

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