Saturday, June 14, 2014

Why the World Cup Embodies the Best the World Can Be

I think International Soccer can be used for many metaphors when it comes to globalization. For those of you who live under a rock, the World Cup happens every 4 years, and 32 teams qualify within their continent. So their are federations on continents, such as CONCACAF in North America, UEFA in Europe and Oceania in the Pacific. So countries have to win games through a calendar year and come in the top 4 of the continent to qualify. The point is that it is truly a world organization if you look at it correctly.

The World Cup however could represent the best the world has to offer. So much has been said about globalization and world of no borders. While that all seems like a fairytale, the World Cup embodies what it could be. Countries can get along and and coexist on one soccer field. These 32 teams come together for one month and exhibit professionalism and patriotism at the same time. This year both Iran and Russia are competing. If the United States were to face either team, which they could in the round of 16, it is likely that they would swap gifts and play with a sense of respect. One of my teachers has always said that countries act like people, because they are ran by people. A better future envisioned by most people requires the cooperation between countries, like what is exhibited in the World Cup.

It is possible to coexist on a planet. If you take it to the next level, these players play for clubs all around the world. So they play for their country when they are called upon, but a player that plays for Japan can play in Italy or England for club. So their are some crossing boundaries and their is a distinction of culture, but, they coexist. If the World Cup embodied what is going on today, players would have to play domestically, they wouldn't be allowed playing in some of the best leagues in the world. On top of that there would be a disrespect for the game and the players.

I do not see that, and that is why I love the World Cup. The World Cup and the Olympics embody the best of international cooperation. If only it was like that in real life. It is something to take note on as international cooperation becomes more important as the world encounters problems such as global warming, natural disasters, food shortages and water shortages.

Also, I recommend the book Why Soccer Explains Globalization, it is a great book that goes into more detail about soccer in the world.

That is TJs Take on the World Cup and Globalization

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