Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The "Redskin" Brand

It it just me or does it seem that these billionaires who own teams just seem like they are growing old and feel like they can do anything. I mean from Donald Sterling making  racist comments to Dan Snyder who refuses to change the teams name and is actually making adds to defend the name. That is not to shocking to me but it is not a good sign. My generation especially is not afraid to step up and speak out and we saw that and are still seeing it with the Donald Sterling situation.

To me, it is just ridiculous, Dan Snyder is brining this along and could possibly lose his team just like Donald Sterling lost his team. I really wish Roger Goodell would give Snyder an ultimatum. Lets face it, the term Redskin was used as a derogatory term towards Native Americans. Some people have been making the connection to the Cleveland Indians, however, Indian is a politically correct term that has been used. I do not see the connection, however, I do see the need for the Washington Redskins to change their name. I am really disappointed that it has lasted this long.

I know Dan Snyder has been visiting Native American Reserves and donating money, but it is just a half ass attempt to cover himself and just keep making money off the team name. Native Americans and Congressman have spoke out about the team name, and actually an ad has been running to get the name changed. Listen, they are exploiting a team name for money and it is pretty sick. I think the name should be changed and I think that the fans and people in Washington D.C. should boycott games and should quit purchasing items with the name on it or face.

Today the US patent office revoked 6 patents the Washington football team has and I love it. When the government is getting involved you know it is a big deal. This actually isn't the first time the US patent office has taken Dan Snyder to court over the team name, it happened awhile back, but the US Patent office lost over a technicality. I believe this time they will not lose and then there will be a big dilemma the team will face. Then, other organizations can use the trademark for there benefit. Forbes magazine values the Washington Team at 1.7 billion and about 300 million of that is because of the name. So the team is making around that much money for using a racial slur as their name. I think in the end, it will be a long drawn out court case that Dan Snyder will lose just like Donald Sterling will lose his. I mean we shouldn't be to surprised, because to be honest, these old white billionaires do not realize that the world is changing and they should at least change with it or they will lose their team.
This is the logo and as you can infer yourself, it is very derogatory. If you are a fan of this team, no problem, just stand up for what is right. Be the change you want to see. 

Thats TJs Take on this socioeconomic dilemma in sports 

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