Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Marx Was Kind of Right

So in most of my economic classes we discuss many theories about economics. We read a lot of Smith, Keynes, and Karl Marx. We definitely discuss those guys the majority of the time and most of it is their takes on capitalism or other various forms on how an economy runs. Well, Karl Marx's take on capitalism is often skewed and of course he always argues in the favor of Communism. He always thought the communal economy was the best way because the proletariat controlled the system. Well his take on capitalism is that it steals the workers right to think or be able to be creative. He said capitalism takes advantage of the individual worker.

I always argued the other way in my essays. I remember last year arguing that capitalism was the best system for the proletariat because it gave them a chance to rise within and become the manager one day or create their own company because in communism everything is the same. But, this week, most of you know I started working in a warehouse job. Which is good, I love making more money at a job that I never had before and I also lose weight because I am lifting vinyl pads all day for your beautiful cars. But, my point is that Marx was kind of right about one thing when it comes to capitalism. It is back breaking work and it definitely takes the creativity away from work. I still think capitalism is the ideal way to run an economy. It allows for competition, but he was right that it can really drain someone. Though in America's Proletariat has never rose up, they created Unions and now they definitely do earn better wages.

Think about what is going on now with McDonalds and the whole minimum wage issue. You definitely cannot make a living with the minimum wage, but, the proletariat of America is kind of getting a bit of a stir. I am definitely not saying that America is becoming communism, but, Marx would say that the Proletariat would rise in the capitalistic system. Did you know in Norway Mcdonals employees make a minimum of 15$/hr? It is definitely an interesting take and Marx was sort of right. Good to know he wasn't just some crazy German guy who looked like Santa Clause and was very grumpy when it came to money

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