Monday, June 9, 2014

An Idiot Abroad, an Introduction

So, recently I have engaged myself in the TV show An Idiot Abroad, it is a show starring Karl Pilkington. He is described as a typical Englander who is idiot-like and just not normal, I mean the title says it all. But, there are 3 seasons and I have just finished the first season. The theme of the first season is the 7 Wonders of the World, so he travels to China, India, Jordan, Brasil, Peru, Mexico and Egypt. To get the full feel, I suggest you watch it, because it is hilarious, it is set up by Ricky Gervais and he is basically just playing a huge prank on Karl by making him deal with everything around the world, but, the things I wanted to talk about was culture and the typical stereotypes and mindset of people in the West. Especially the cultures he visits, it is very different and I think it is important to outline the importance of different cultures and the ignorance of the West. So today I will introduce it and then go into further detail during the week.
Karl from Idiot Abroad "A typical little Englander"
Culture is very important to the development of the world and I think culture is the best part of humankind. Many people in the West believe that the world really revolves around the U.S. and Western Europe, however, it used to not be this way. The first humans date back to Kimberly in South Africa, and 'modern' civilization was started in the Middle East in Mesopotamia and Cairo (Egypt), or in the East around China and India. It amazes me that people don't realize that the world used to center around India and China, they had the spices and silk that the Europeans craved. In my Europe and the Modern World class this past spring, we learned that from about 1200-1850, Europe was basically the laughing stock of the world. I find that quite funny. But, culture is so important, being well rounded, and that just simply isn't the West at this time and it is quite sad.

That is why I love Idiot Abroad, because at the beginning, he makes fun of everything and refuses. Karl's first trip to China, he sat on a bench in a park and just questioned everything, why this, why that and what are the reasons, is it truly better?  (highlights of China and Karl) And I felt the same way in Taiwan, when I went to use the restroom in Taiwan I questioned everything I know about life, I had no idea. It was about the 2nd week, because for a week, we stayed in a place that didn't have the restrooms that you have to squat and go, but when I really had to go, I encountered it, I just kind of laughed because I said there is no way all 220 IBS of myself is squatting to go. I am glad I did it once to get a feel for it, but I just asked why? Come to find out, it is actually healthier to squat than it is to do what we do. Who knew, but the point is, there is really no right or wrong way and that is the best thing about culture isn't it. And Karl starts to learn that by the end.
The common toilet in China and most parts of the East such as India and the Middle East

I think one of the best parts of Idiot Abroad is his last trip to Peru, which was sure to be the roughest trip for him. He was there to see Manchu Picchu, but to get there he had to go through the Amazon. Well he encounters a tribe in the middle of nowhere living in the Amazon. It is just amazing, and for a couple of days he interacts with the people. He brought a game of Connect 4, and the local kids in the tribe were just amazed. I mean they had no idea what it was and that is the beauty of culture. It is all about respect and culture really makes the world go round. He had the best quote too in China, much of the food on the streets in China are like bugs, toads, and there was a guy actually just sitting there eating a premature bird out of its egg, like just about to hatch feathers and all, but, Karl said this, "if we ever run our of food and we have no idea what to do, we can juste go to China because they are used to eating and using everything". To me, what that really means is hey, every culture does it their own way and it works, but, there are many ways one thing can be done and that is culture and the beauty of it, there are many ways to develop and that is why traveling and the world is so awesome. Just watching the show makes me want to go start traveling again.

That is TJs Take on Culutre and most Idiots Abroad, more discussion tomorrow

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