Sunday, June 29, 2014

America Has Always Been #1

This isn' just another America is the best because we are the best post. I am not that type of person. Being an International Relations major, I have respect for every country and their culture. But, recently, all I have heard is that America is weak, China will be #1 soon, American culture is fading, and we are a idiotic country. I hear complaining about selfies, twerking, or anything else why people hate America. Please share the stereotypes if you know, because this will be the theme of my next couple topics.

There are somethings wrong with America and I know everyone believes in the conspiracy theories, but, think about it, could you imagine yourself anywhere else? I have been to Taiwan and Guatemala, people love America. I think foreigners love America more than Americans appreciate what we have. We are not even falling in influence. Countries like North Korea and Iran still fear us. China knows they aren't even close to becoming a superpower. Foreigners yearn to be a part of American culture.

Let's face it, we all have it pretty lucky. I really have no complaints in America. Our education has always been top notch, our economy is still #1, our per capita GDP is still way above almost every country, and I believe the American Dream is still alive and well. Everyone always says that we are not competing at the highest levels in science or math. Well then why do we still influence the world? We may not be the smartest or the richest but we always seem to come out on top.

So this week, I am dedicating to the greatness of America and I will back it up with statistics. We are the best thing that has happened to this world since 1776! So jump on the bandwagon and enjoy the rise, because this week is America week.

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