Sunday, June 15, 2014

Well Those Fell Quickly. . .

The past 2 years the United States has been pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, now, since then many cities in Iraq are falling to the Terrorist group known as Al-Qaeda. Does it seem like to much, as a country, the United States has poured trillions of dollars, thousands of troops and many advisors to what seems like a losing cause since the beginning. Granted, this was brought up yesterday and I am thankful for it the action, but could you imagine Saddam Hussein in control of Iraq now with Bashar Al-Assad in control of Syria. That is asking for some geopolitical problems. The  United States would of lost all control in that area of the world, but, thankfully the gulf wars did something useful. Though we have been fighting a losing battle, you cannot stop in middle of the game, and I will tell you why.

Usually I am all for strategic foreign policy, but, once you commit, you cannot walk out. What I mean by that, is you declare a War on Terror, devote trillions of dollars you keep fighting until you know there can no longer be any repercussions. The Middle East is tricky, Iran is a force to be reckon with and so is Syria because of the people in charge. In the Middle East it is all about keeping control of the situations. Long ago we pledged alliance with Israel and the US has to live with that mistake decision, however, that means you have to play the balance sheet to maintain influence in the area. Iran is already a threat to regional security and also Syria and they are allies in the region, but, if the terror group can seize Iraq so easily, then why leave. Let me tell you now, it is very dangerous to lose security in that area of the world. I am mad that we are pulling troops out of this area of the world when obviously the situation is not taken care of. The Iraqi government was not stable enough to leave then, which makes me think now the Afghanistan government is in the same boat and cities continue to fall to these militant groups.

Terrorist Militants in Iraq are taking on the Iraqi government and winning handily. This past week they took the 2nd largest city in Iraq and it is looking like it could become a regional conflict. Obama has already said he will not commit troops however air strikes are possible. I am just beyond flabbergasted with this decision. I understand that you do not want to commit US soldiers, I have friends in the military, but they signed up to do a job. The US government and military has done a half-ass job in this area of the world. They committed weapons and money to Iraqi soldiers who are now being beaten down by small militias basically. Great way to spend money.
Obama trying to learn more about Foreign Policy in the Middle East

I call to commit something. I have agreed with many things with Obama, I felt like he gave us a better chance at growing than Mitt Romney. So far though, I am deeply depressed about his foreign policy. The situation in Ukraine has already pissed me off, because I still feel like we are sitting on our hands while Vladmir Putin is getting more confidence. Plus now, 30 years on the War on Terror and we are losing the country we poured everything into.

The debate for so long now has been China is going to be a world power or Russia is making a run for it again, but none have. From what I have learned and could see, the United States has been the only superpower since 1990. When you control everything, you need to act like it and then other countries will back down. Its when you start to become complacent is when it gives countries like China to step in as a world leader.

Thats my take on stupidity

1 comment:

  1. Good post, my only objection would be that with the end of the Ba'ath party in 2003, Iraq was doomed to splinter in this way. Iraq is simply a created country, the lines were drawn in 1920 with little to no regard for the local realities of the situation. Hussein was actually holding the nation together. After him it took a significant portion of the American-British military. Remember also, now matter how extreme terrorist seems they are ultimately mercenaries. If the Syrian regime survives and the Iraqi govrnment collapses this sends a powerful message to the, begging the question, why did ISIS suddenly stop its offensives in Syria and turn to Iraq, seemingly better equipped and organized than before?
